Adio, PLF!

maaxx's picture

Verificand casuta postala pe care o foloseam la diverse chestii tehnice am dat peste acest mesaj al lui Guillaume Rousse:
Hello, dear PLF mignons.

The last package release announcement is now 15 month old, and the last message posted on -discuss mailing-list list is 18 month old, so it's quite safe to consider PLF project officialy dead now. As is moving to a new server, I'd prefer to avoid useless efforts such as migrating unused resources...

At the end of the week, all project mailing-list will be closed, and the package repository set read-only. The web site, and the mailing-list archives will stay accessible at usual address.

It was a great adventure, thanks you for your support.


Si cu asta aproape ca ne-am despartit complet de ceea ce a fost candva Linux Mandrake.

La revedere, PLF si multumim!


N3o's picture

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

symbianflo's picture

mda ...
mandriva de azi isi tine mediu restricted personal, si toate fork-urile din mandriva la fel... deci in PLF nimeni nu mai pune nimic...
pacat ptr plf dar viata merge inainte :( MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are