Mandriva manipulează Distrowatch

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Mandriva manipulează Distrowatch

Mandriva joins the list of DistroWatch page hit ranking cheaters (by ladislav on 2007-01-16 01:02:05 GMT from Taiwan)
When I woke up this morning and checked the page hit stats for yesterday, I noticed an unusually high number of clicks on the Mandriva page - a total of over 8,000 unique hits. So I went to investigate and what do I find? Some clever Mandriva web master embedded an invisible iframe into which transparently loads the Mandriva page on DistroWatch and registers a hit! Check the source code of that page - you'll find the iframe right at the bottom of the page!

Man, I can't believe how clueless some people can be! This is the worst kind of manipulating the page hit ranking because these iframes give no credit to DistroWatch and don't send people to visit DistroWatch, but generate a huge amount of unnecessary traffic for the DistroWatch server. When Freespire tried something similar not long ago, at least they sent people directly to DistroWatch, so the visitors had a chance to see this site. But what Mandriva has done now is almost like a DDoS attack, with no benefit to DistroWatch at all!

Anyway, the referrer is now blocked on the web server level and I also reset the Mandriva's page hit counter from yesterday to 0 (the front-page page hit ranking table will only reflect this change tomorrow though).

What a way to start a day! There are new releases of ZenLive, Arch Linux, IPCop, Devil-Linux, Kurumin Linux and FreeSBIE and I have to waste time with this! Incroyable!

Da, cel care afirmă este Ladislav, fondatorul şi mantainerul Distrowatch, deci nu cred că glumeşte ;)

59 • RE: 54 Mandriva joins the list of DistroWatch page hit ranking cheaters (by ladislav on 2007-01-16 02:12:25 GMT from Taiwan)
Well, it looks like the Mandriva web masters are still awake. Somebody must have alerted them about my post and they have now removed the iframe code.

Au revenit asupra deciziei :D

Mă întreb dacă Ubuntu făcea la fel. Deşi sunt 99% sigur că s-ar fi aflat dacă făceau, şi aşa era prea stridentă poziţia în vârful clasamentului :)

Raspuns: Mandriva manipulează Distrowatch

O chestiune destul de urata. Topul acela este sursa tuturor necazurilor :) Este foarte tentant :))

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.