MCNLive Delft RC1

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MCNLive Delft RC1

A fost anuntata versiunea de testare pentru noua versiune MCNLive denumita "DElft" si care se bazeaza 100% pe Mandriva 2007.1 si include:
* drivere WiFi
* 3D desktop - Beryl, Compiz and Metisse - for most Intel and ATI cards
* aplicatii multimedia
* 4 limbi disponibile:English (default), Dutch, French, Italian
* fara drivere close source NVIDIA si ATI

Distributia permite instalarea pe stick USB sau hardisk extern.


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Raspuns: MCNLive Delft RC1
cgherman's picture
Review MCNLive Delft RC1

Un mic review al acestei versiuni gasiti aici.