Recent posts

Type Title Authorsort descending Replies Last Post
Topic forum "Get the facts" - in spatele scenei adyx 25. June 2005 - 10:48
Topic forum O noua versiune de K3B 0.12.4a adyx 10. September 2005 - 20:24
Topic forum Masini virtuale ... adyx 3. May 2005 - 18:04
Topic forum Re: Microsoft va cumpara Red Hat ? adyx 4 18. May 2005 - 9:06
Topic forum Nou ciclu de dezvoltare a kernelului adyx 30. July 2005 - 9:08
Topic forum America's Army 2.3.0 adyx 21. February 2005 - 10:49
Topic forum A aparut IceWM 1.2.21 adyx 1. June 2005 - 12:49
Topic forum VIA - jumatate de adevar ? adyx 5. May 2005 - 15:03
Topic forum Windows - nu functioneaza adyx 26. September 2005 - 8:27
Topic forum Linux face jocul ? adyx 31. December 2004 - 10:08
Topic forum Re: Adio "Blue Screen Of Death" ! adyx 2 18. May 2005 - 22:15
Topic forum Review OpenOffice 2.0 beta adyx 2. March 2005 - 8:27
Topic forum Re: Red Hat intarca Fedora adyx 3 4. June 2005 - 9:39
Topic forum Re: Linux la...guvernare adyx 1 29. March 2005 - 15:52
Topic forum Vacante si concedii adyx 8 1. July 2005 - 9:35
Topic forum Konqueror - client FTP adyx 1 13. December 2006 - 11:44
Topic forum Firefox 2.0 si Google - anti-phishing adyx 9. March 2006 - 20:20
Topic forum 15 ani de web browsing adyx 27. December 2005 - 8:59
Topic forum Mplayerplug-in pe Opera adyx 2. April 2006 - 17:51
Topic forum Wikipedia tinta atacurilor adyx 7. November 2006 - 9:40
Topic forum Google si Gaim adyx 15. October 2005 - 7:57
Topic forum KDE 3.5.1 - "dupa colt" adyx 24. January 2006 - 8:17
Topic forum Incepatorii si magia adyx 21. May 2006 - 13:25
Topic forum Selectarea placii de sunet in KDE adyx 30. November 2006 - 9:30
Topic forum Kosmix - un rival Google? adyx 6. February 2006 - 8:48
