În cazul Reiser se complică treaba...

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Syl's picture
În cazul Reiser se complică treaba...

Cazul Reiser s-a complicat în momentul în care un fost iubit al sotiei sale a recunoscut că a comis 8 crime!

N3o's picture
Raspuns: Reiser complică treaba...

Nu Reiser, ci un amant a lu nevasta'sa citat ca martor in proces: "A former lover of the missing wife of Linux programmer and accused spouse killer Hans Reiser has confessed to killing eight people unrelated to the case, prosecutors informed the defense last week.(...)Sean Sturgeon, a one-time friend of Reiser's, had already been a focus of the defense team's efforts to shift suspicion off Reiser in the disappearance of his estranged wife, Nina Reiser. Sturgeon's alleged confession to a series of unrelated murders will likely complicate the trial, which is set to begin Monday."

Syl's picture
Raspuns: În cazul Reiser se complică treaba...

Aşa este... am greşit şi am corectat acum greşeala. Mulţumesc!

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