Con Kolivas: ultimele patch-uri

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beranger's picture
Con Kolivas: ultimele patch-uri

Patcch-urile lui Con Kolivas sunt cunsocute si utilizatorilor Mandriva prin kernel-ele suplimentare kernel-multimedia-desktop din Contrib (vezi Ei bine, se pare ca "s-a gatat cu ele"!

Dintr-un post mai lung aflam ca

«Con Kolivas got fed up with Linux kernel development. It seems some Linux developers really need to do something to improve their communication, and need to be a bit more reasonable and constructive.»

Dupa cum CK a anuntat aici,

«All interest I have in kernel development, even out of the mainline spotlight, has been... abolished (I had nastier words but decided not to use them.)

It is clear that I cannot develop code for the linux kernel intended only to be used out of mainline and not have mainline get involved somewhere along the line. Whether it be the users or even other developers repeatedly asking "when will this be merged". This forever gets me into a cycle of actually trying to merge the stuff and ... well you all know what happens at that point (again I had nastier words but decided not to use them.)

So, I've had enough. I'm out of here forever. I want to leave before I get so disgruntled that I end up using windows. I may play occasionally with userspace code but for me the kernel is a black hole that I don't want to enter the event horizon of again.

I thank you all deeply for your involvement, patronage, support, bug reports and feedback. I also apologise because I realise what the -ck patchset means to a lot of people.

Truly, thank you very much.»

Asta ma face sa ma gandesc la... "o anumita stare" a open-source  :'(

cgherman's picture
Raspuns: Con Kolivas: ultimele patch-uri

Asta ma face sa ma gandesc la... "o anumita stare" a open-source

Da, astfel de probleme legate de modul de comunicare ma duc cu gandul la problemele avute in sanul comunitatii Gentoo cu ceva vreme in urma (daca am retinut corect).

Raspuns: Con Kolivas: ultimele patch-uri

Nu e chiar la fel. Hai să zicem că Ingo Molnar a făcut un scheduler care făcea cam ce fac patchurile lui Kolivas (scăderea latenţelor la pornirea/rularea aplicaţiilor - o idee foarte bună pentru desktop), poate chiar mai bine decât patchurile lui Kolivas, şi a reuşit să-l includă în kernelul vanilla (deci sunt şanse bune ca toate distribuţiile să beneficieze de acest scheduler). Moment în care Kolivas a cam... pierdut cursa ;)

E o pierdere, într-adevar, dar se mai întamplă şi astfel de evenimente...

Beranger, citeşte mai des ;)

Cât despre o anumită stare, ia uite ce zicea un don'şor Zawinski, hăt în 99:

My biggest fear, and part of the reason I stuck it out as long as I have, is that people will look at the failures of as emblematic of open source in general. Let me assure you that whatever problems the Mozilla project is having are not because open source doesn't work. Open source does work, but it is most definitely not a panacea. If there's a cautionary tale here, it is that you can't take a dying project, sprinkle it with the magic pixie dust of ``open source,'' and have everything magically work out. Software is hard. The issues aren't that simple.

Ideea e chiar mai generală - Open Source nu e un miracol, şi e clar că nu e perfect (chiar şi proiectele Open Source de succes).

Linux Soft. O comunitate Linux deschisă.