Lecturi de vineri: Vista, FLOSS (care nu este inovativ) si Linux kernel

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Lecturi de vineri: Vista, FLOSS (care nu este inovativ) si Linux kernel

3 lecturi selectate pentru astazi:

1. Sam Varghese, cu Vista: They took five years for this? O lectura savuroasa.

"Din sumar":

  • 10 zile cu Vista, cautand imbunatatiri de substanta -- si negasindu-le[/*:m]
  • Oricine citeste EULA ar prefera mai degraba o celula la Guantanamo[/*:m]
  • Contul de Administrator dispare in favoarea primului user creat[/*:m]
  • Nu tu word processor decent, nici client de mail ca lumea[/*:m]
  • "Reamenajarile" din Vista ii amintesc de felul cum ii muta nevasta mobila prin casa :)[/*:m]
  • Vista, mai puton stabil decat XP. In plus, trebuie rebootat dupa absolut orice patch![/*:m]
  • Sunt 2 GB RAM prea putini? Sistemul cam intepeneste uneori fara vreun motiv vizibil[/*:m]
  • Activitate HDD constanta (indexare pentru desktop search)[/*:m]
  • Incercare esuata de a praji un CD: interfata cu totul neintuitiva[/*:m]
  • Vista nu are drivere pt. monitor si imprimanta (si refuza driverele de Vista cu care vine imprimanta)[/*:m]
  • Media Player: redare proasta (chiar si de .AVI), desi zice ca are codecuri[/*:m]
  • Pe 64 de biti, e si mai rau[/*:m]
  • Trafic din senin cu 2 servere Microsoft![/*:m]
  • Se opreste in mijlocul redarii unui DVD original: copyright violation![/*:m]
  • How to crash Vista in 7 minutes: ask your son![/*:m]

2. Tovarasul Dr. R. Keith Sawyer («a professor of psychology and education at Washington University in St. Louis, is one of the country's leading scientific experts on creativity») sustine ca Open Source is Not Innovative, pentru ca... "Linux nu face decat sa copieze un OS existent, UNIX!" (L-a intrebat cineva pe tov. doctor prin ce este Windows inovativ?)

3. SJVN: Where is the Linux kernel going? O lectura mai interesanta decat de obicei, zic eu.


  • Jon Corbett: "Is the quality of the current kernel (Linux 2.6.21) horrific?"[/*:m]
  • Andrew Morton: "Back in the 2.4 days, we worked on technology for others [...] With Linux 2.6, we are concentrating more on creating that technology instead of creating a product. Our major feedback now comes from the vendors."[/*:m]
  • Andrew Morton: "We need to work on regressions more ... 2.6.21 was perhaps a bit more buggy that it should be."[/*:m]
  • James Bottomley: "If you're running Fedora Core 7, then you're helping us to stabilize and test the kernel. ... You're far more likely to find the bugs than we are." (din nou, Fedora este un test bed, iar noi suntem cobai -- asa ca nu va mai plangeti ca Mandriva a ramas la 2.6.17, desi ar fi putut sa treaca macar la 2.6.18, care e solid si el)[/*:m]
  • Greg Kroah-Hartman: "We're adding 2,000 lines of code a day; we're modifying 2,800 lines of code. This is a rate of change that nobody else has ever seen in a project." (oare cu ce pret? nu cumva al scaderii calitatii? chiar era nevoie de stahanovismul asta gen "cincinalul in patru ani si jumatate"?)[/*:m]
  • Tot Greg K-H: "enterprise kernels" (SLES, RHEL) se schimba prea rar, ar trebui ca Novell si Red Hat sa "switch from locking on a single kernel for a long time."[/*:m]
  • Interesant,  Chris Wright @redhat.com e de acord: "Business distributions will change."[/*:m]
  • Mark Shuttleworth are o idee excelenta: "it would be very helpful if the development community can work out the bugs well in advance of real releases that distributors will use."[/*:m]
  • Kroah-Hartman: "Mobile is asking for power management. I think the servers want it too, but they don't know it."[/*:m]



ing. Patkos Csaba
ing. Patkos Csaba's picture
Raspuns: Lecturi de vineri: Vista, FLOSS (care nu este inovativ)

De la punctul 2. acest comentariu mi-a placut foarte mult:
[...]"Innovation is not the primary thrust of OpenSourse, freedom is, and that in itself is innovative to the point of genius."

Csabi's BLOG

Linux registered user # 457717