Azi a aparut versiunea RC1 (botezata Copernic) a Mandriva 2008.0
La ora aceasta se gaseste pe cateva servere varianta pe 3 CD-uri.
Pe serverele din inca nu au aparut.
Sursa :)
The kernel package has now adopted the kernel-tmb spec file, which means that the kernel packages have been renamed. The old kernel is now kernel-desktop. The old kernel-enterprise is now kernel-server. The old kernel-legacy is now kernel-desktop586. A kernel-laptop package is now introduced, which contains several customizations useful to laptops in terms of reducing power usage.This also means that the official kernel packages now adopt the kernel-tmb style for source and headers. Each kernel package now has its own -devel package - e.g. kernel-desktop586-devel - which contains the source and headers necessary for building external kernel modules. This is the package you should install if you need to compile external kernel modules. The single kernel-source package is of interest only to those who need to build an application against a complete copy of the kernel source, or those interested in building their own kernels.
Va fi disponibil aici (după ce dispare in-progress):
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Oare in sfarsit vom putea porni si opri wireless-ul in mod normal? A incercat cineva versiunile beta de pana acum? Cineva care sa foloseasca iwl3945.
La inceput a fost . . . kernelul!
Close Windows...Open Source.
S-a anuntat ca va fi si in varianta DVD. Abia astept sa se termine mirror-ul pe serverul nostru :)
sfat: nu faceti update, pot exista probleme mai bine fresh install sau pe o masina virtuala
update de la Beta 1 la Beta 2 probleme la pornirea sistemului (diferente la identificarea HDD - rezolvat manual)
iar update de la Beta 2 la RC1 =>
probleme la sunet sunt in cazul meunenorocit meniulCristian