YaSP Scripted [solved]

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ing. Patkos Csaba
ing. Patkos Csaba's picture
YaSP Scripted [solved]

Pagină: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Yasp-Scripted+(Systemmonitor)+v0.99?content=109367
Arhitectură: x86_64
Distribuție: Mandriva 2010


Yes, Yet another systemmonitor plasmoid.
But still different from the others.
The only useful plasmoid systemmonitor i have found was Yasp. The problem with it was that it was not configurable enough.
So I came up with the idea, that everyone has its own imaginations of what belongs into a systemmonitor and what not. The birth of Yasp-scripted.
The name is similar to Yasp, because I use some modified code from that project.
The biggest advantage is that you can add things to the monitor or remove some, by just changing the script file and reparse it again...) No recompilation or something like that needed...
symbianflo's picture
Re: YaSP Scripted

o sa vad dupa sarbatori sau poate ti-l face venerix  daca are vreme

http://www.mandrivausers.ro/ MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

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Re: YaSP Scripted

Well, eu o sa incerc sa il fac pentru i686 deoarece este arhitectura sistemului meu. Eventual o sa trebuiasca un simplu rebuild pentru x86_64.

symbianflo's picture
Re: YaSP Scripted

venerix wrote:
Well, eu o sa incerc sa il fac pentru i686 deoarece este arhitectura sistemului meu. Eventual o sa trebuiasca un simplu rebuild pentru x86_64.

ar fi fain , rebuild  il fac eu .

http://www.mandrivausers.ro/ MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are

ing. Patkos Csaba
ing. Patkos Csaba's picture
Re: YaSP Scripted

Any news? A iesit intre timp versiunea 1.0 ...

Csabi's BLOG

Linux registered user # 457717

symbianflo's picture
Re: YaSP Scripted

sicer sa fiu nici nu ma-am mai uitat la el am crezut ca venerix lo si facut deja ...
sorry o sa vad

http://www.mandrivausers.ro/ MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are

symbianflo's picture
Re: YaSP Scripted

l-am pus pe testing , numai ptr x86_64 2010.0 si 2009.1
dupa cum zice in INSTALL toate scripturile  sunt  la locul lor cu permisurile
corecte , poate ca nu ma stiu eu sau chiar nu merge ....
incearca-l si vezi .

http://www.mandrivausers.ro/ MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are

ing. Patkos Csaba
ing. Patkos Csaba's picture
Re: YaSP Scripted

1.0.1 este lansat si in acelasi timp am discutat cu programatorul un pic pe kde-look.org cum sa facem sa usuram impachetarea. Iata discutia:

Selecting a script - request
by patkoscsaba on: Jan 24 2010  patkoscsaba

The MRB project (http://mrb.mandrivausers.ro) packaged your plasmoid for mandriva as RPM, we very much like your plasmoid.

However, this packaging opened a situation which led me to write you this feature request.

As you offer different scripts for YaSP (and I will send you more in the near future) you should reorganize them so that packaging can be done easily.

What I am thinking of is offer a file dialog for the user to select a specific script file. Also, you should offer a very basic default script, so that when the user first starts the plasmoid he/she can see something other than an empty box. The best would be just a simple memory+cpu monitor which is available on all systems.

The other thing for this to be more organized is that you should make a folder ~/.yasp.scripts and put all the scrips in there. In setting offer a file selection which defaults to that folder and users cans see all the other script files.

If you do this, packaging your program for different distributions will be much easier, and unexperienced users, who don't want to write their own scripts, will find out easily about the scripts and they will be able to test them without modifying/copying files.

Thanks. And very good work!
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Re: Selecting a script - request
by finkandreas on: Jan 24 2010  finkandreas

The file selector was implemented in 1.0.1 so it is already there (but the default directory is not .yasp.script)
Installing the files is kind of hard (because I was too lazy to read how to install files only when they are not available yet).
If I install the scripts always a user compiles this plasmoid the user will use its changes. And installing only when a file is not available yet, I did not find how to manage with CMake. So I decided to not install any script file at all...

If I install the scriptfiles it will be in /etc/yasp, because Gentoo for example has protected files in /etc, and you explicitly need to decide whether files should be overwritten there. I don't know if Mandriva has some similar protected directories, but otherwise the package management system needs to be smart enough...

For the .yasp directory with the script files in it: Should work with the current version, with only one minor modification
yasp-scripted.cpp:72 m_sScriptPath = sHome + "/.yasp.script";
should be
yasp-scripted.cpp:72 m_sScriptPath = sHome + "/.yasp/default_script";

This only changes the default script file to be in $HOME/.yasp/default_script...

How is the mandriva system working? Do you offer precompiled packages or is the plasmoid compiled by every user?
If you offer precompiled packages you can change this one line and offer the binary.
I maybe will change it next weekend (not much time before), but I still have to think about it, if this is some kind of expected behaviour...
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Re: Re: Selecting a script - request
by patkoscsaba on: Jan 24 2010  patkoscsaba

On Mandriva RPM packages contain precompiled binaries.

So, your instructions should be enough. Sorry for the file-selector request, it wasn't mentioned in your changelog, and I didn't tried the last version, yet.

Putting the script files in /etc/ I don't thing is a good idea because users may not have access to /etc/ ... may /usr/share/ ... I will talk with the guy responsible for compiling it for MRB and I'll be back to you.

Ce crezi sa ii recomand, sau cum ar fi mai bine pentru tine???

Cel actual din Testing merge perfect btw.

Csabi's BLOG

Linux registered user # 457717

symbianflo's picture
Re: YaSP Scripted

vrei sa stii parerea mea , plasmoidul asta nu are viitor ....
daca el implementeaza o interfata grafica la setarea scripturilor atunci
poate ca useri vor fi interesati ...daca eu ma trezesc cu o chestie goala
pe desktop , maxim ce fac ii sa vad ce stie si ii dau un click dreapta
aici ar trebui o voce  de genul "applet settings" si clicat sa i se deschida
un GUI  cu care cauta scripturile si editeaza scripturlile ....
Sicer sa fiu io nu o sa deschid un script si sa ma apuc sa-l editez
( nu neg faptul ca o fi simplu de facut) mi se pare prea de geek
( vezi cum gideste pixelut), tu crezi ca categoria GUI fronended user
o sa aiba vreodata asa ceva pe desktop??? sau o sa se apuce sa editeze
scripturile itr-un text editor ...nu cred  , si de altfel nici eu nu sunt interesat de asa ceva , ...
dar cu un gui de genul :
-lista rilevata de lmsensor:
bla1 bla2 bla3 etc

- configurare:
bla1 ? etc

Ceea ce vreau sa zic  ca nustiu cita lume se apuca de studiat scripturi ptr karamba ori
superkaramba, ( habar nu am io sincer nu le stiu si nu
le folosesc) , ca sa-si personalizeze un plasmoid , cind sunt altele , poate
mai sarace in feature  da DEA GATA ....
ca sa fiu mai clar incearca glrellm
in afara de meniul general  ai submeniuri pt. fiecare categorie
monitorizata...in GUI  ....
sau alti plasmoizi  de gkrellm stiu ca-l folosesc..
Ok de acord cu tine si io prefer mc sau consola
da ca sa ma apuc sa configurez din script un plasmoid
mi se pare o pierdere de timp ..si ptr ca un plasmoid e o chesti pe care o pui pe desktop
si gata , cu setari minime de facut .

Deci nu stiu ce sa-i zici si ce sa-l sfatuiesti , daca el a ales strada asta sa-l faca numai ptr
cineva capabil de a gestiona plasmoidul in modalitate textuala
eu il vad ca foarte limitat din punct de vedere a utilizatorilor

http://www.mandrivausers.ro/ MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are