se da un hdd extern formatat ntfs si criptat tot cu truecrypt in win xp, se doreste acces total si in mandriva 2010(kde); dupa ce am reusit sa instalez si sa rulez truecrypt(luat de la mib) am ajuns in momentul cand folosind gui de la truecrypt nu am acces de scriere pe partitia criptata , dar daca montez din consola cu comanda "truecrypt --fs-options=rw,noatime,umask=000 --filesystem=ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1" totul functioneaza ok, as vrea sa fac sa functioneze si in gui, nefiind singurul care va folosi hdd-ul; pe forumul de la mandriva am vazut urmatoarele:
"Now there is also some weirdness with ntfs (if you created a truecrypt vol in windows you will not have write access even if mandriva supports it). In which case you'd mount the vol something like this:
truecrypt --filesystem=ntfs-3g /dev/xxx ~/mountpoint
It's not possible (i think) to specify the filesystem param via the GUI. I don't know why - there's another threador message somewhere further up. Also note that you DON'T need to sudo the command as I think truecrypt does it automagically for you."
problema Truecrypt[solved]
28. January 2010 - 12:03
problema Truecrypt[solved]
mda , dupa mai multe "sapaturi" am gasit si rezolvarea problemei:
"In my opinion pushing the string "user ALL=(ALL) ALL" in "sudoers" it is a very radical and insecure solution: this way, user can do everything he wants on the system. I think this is not the way Linux systems are supposed to work.
As far as I know, all the truecrypt binary needs is to be launched from a privileged account so that it can mount devices ecc.
So there is a compromise: all we have to do is to grant user privileged access ONLY to the truecrypt binary and nothing else.
The following lines is what I put in my sudoers file:
# User alias specification
User_Alias TRUECRYPTERS = myuser
# Cmnd alias specification
Cmnd_Alias TRUECRYPT = /usr/local/bin/truecrypt
# User privilege specification
This way, I've been using truecrypt without problems at all while preserving system security at the same time"
sper sa ajute si pe altii ca sa nu stea sa mai caute cateva saptamani, ca mine :D
Mersi ca ai dat si solutie ...
Csabi's BLOG
Linux registered user # 457717
hmmm oare de ce mi se pare asa de cunoscuta solutia asta ?
poate fi asta :>
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are
deh, am zis ca am gasit solutia, nu ca am "produs" creca cel la care am gasito creca tot de pe mib o fi luato, idee este ca mi-a luat cateva saptamani sa o gasesc, am postat ca sa numai caute si altii, si symbianflo ce nu m-ai directionat spre mib cand am intrebat prima data?, acuma numai conteaza :D
sincer sa fiu nu mi-am adus aminte , sorry da am 8 giga de ram pe pc din pacate pe ceier nu :'(
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are
mda, revin, dupa o reinstalare de mandriva 2010.1 64b cu kde 4.5.3 si setarile de mai sus tot nu reusesc sa fac sa mearga truecrypt, iar imi da eroarea cu drepturile de root(de mai sus), oare unde gresesc?
L.E.:din consola daca rulez programul(dupa ce am intrat ca root) merge k, deci e ceva la sudo care nu imi ia, am facut useru meu membru al grupului wheel, degeaba
am reusit ,trebuia sa coment out:
Defaults requiretty
adica sa apara cu # in fata, nu stiu cat de bine e dar merge...
suna a maroni :D