Uite popa nu e popa ....

symbianflo's picture

:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
dupa cum suntem toti obisnuiti , cred ca plus , minus toti stiam asta , chair daca speram sa nu fie asa , de fapt
e .....
Dupa cum ne-a obisnuit dealungul timpului mandriva sa sa tina de un dead end nu poate sa existe deci iesirea iso-urilor
2010.1 spring se amina pe 08/07/2010 .....daca nimic nu se intimpla ...

[quote="Anne Nicolas"]
Hi there

Due to internal organization and some hardware problems, we will delay official release until 08th of July. Torrents for Free isos for early seeders should be available this week-end, and regarding One on monday.

Stay tuned![/quote]

Sunt curios daca in early seeding imi intra ceva ... :bigsmile:


shogun1's picture

Da-i dracu! Neseriosi! Pai noi asteptam Mandriva 2010.1 Spring si apare Anne Nicolas ??? :tired:
Spring-ul asta deja s-a transformat in Summer, sper sa nu ajunga Autumn... :Sp

==Those who feel the breath of sadness Sit down next to me Those who find they’re touched by madness Sit down next to me Those who find themselves ridiculous Sit down next to me == http://stressat.blogspot.com/

symbianflo's picture

shogunelu' nu blestema ca n-are rost , io mi-am epuizat blestemele, ....hai sa bem in cinstea lu 2011.1 ca nu mai lipseste mult si
iese direct aia :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

http://www.mandrivausers.ro/ MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are

piratu's picture

AaaaaaaaLELUIA! Aleluia! Aleluia! (PS: ca să nu-mi epuizez blestemele, le las pe după, la raportarea de erori)

Coordonator Mageia Linux România
symbianflo's picture

Dupa cum zice in mailul de mai sus :
[quote="Anne Nicolas"]
Torrents for Free isos for early seeders should be available this week-end, and regarding One on monday.[/quote]

Eh icata ca a trecut si weekendul si ziua de azi , si inca n-am primit nimic ( si din citi early seeders cunosc , pe care i-am intrebat nici ei ..)
in contul meu pe club zice cam asa :
[quote]Early seeders program
Your account
Your services
SymbianFlo (Log out)

You are an early seeder. Thanks a lot!

As such, you will be contacted by the Mandriva team a few days before every public release of Mandriva Linux with information about torrents to seed.

In the meantime, public torrents are available from torrent.mandriva.com/public.[/quote]

careva dintre voi are ceva noutati ?

http://www.mandrivausers.ro/ MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are

"Mandriva Linux torrents for early seeders

One and Free torrents are available from torrent.mandriva.com/private/2010.1. Use the following identifiers:
username : ******************
password : ******************


Thank you a lot for seeding these torrents.

Check Bittorrent page on Mandriva wiki.

Note: please keep this information to yourself for the time the public release did not happen."
ps: ce am gasit acolo:

Parent Directory -
mandriva-linux-free-2010-spring-dual.torrent 05-Jul-2010 15:48 55K
mandriva-linux-free-2010-spring-i586.torrent 05-Jul-2010 17:04 44K
mandriva-linux-free-2010-spring-x86_64.torrent 05-Jul-2010 17:06 44K

N3o's picture

De ce esti bolovan?

"Note: please keep this information to yourself for the time the public release did not happen." :p

mda, scuze mo luat valu'(deh cu inundatiile astea) ; adevaru e ca numai credeam ca o sa vad iesind, si vroiam sa sterg pass si user, scuze inca odata

symbianflo's picture

ok d.lor numai ca cam liposeste ceva...voua nu vi se pare ? sau astia care platesc , da-i focului ghghghgh

http://www.mandrivausers.ro/ MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are

N3o's picture

Esti early seeder? Ai citit mailul cum trebuie?

"For the time being, only Free ISOs are available. One ISOs should arrive soon. Powerpack ISOs (for Powerpack subscribers) will be made available later as well."

symbianflo's picture

am citit dragule, am citit pina una alta
-64 free are 1 ( unu care mai e si congestionat) seeder , mainline ( bittorrent client)
-586 zero seeder si
-dual 1 , acelasi de la 64 :~
pe coffee, proxad si u-picardie nu sunt isourile ...cine stie unde le-or ascuns ....

Romain asta are stomac nu tu ..... :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

http://www.mandrivausers.ro/ MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are

Eu seedui de vreo 2 ore la mini ... nu stiu cum vezi tu numai unul singur. La free64 mai am un pic de downloadat.

Csabi′s BLOG

Linux registered user # 457717

symbianflo's picture

in noduri nu am nici un roman ....poate ai dht-ul inchis . 586 -12% si mere ca ochiul mortului , 64 64% si mere cu 260KIB, dual 61% -420 KIB

http://www.mandrivausers.ro/ MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are