Mandriva Linux release 2010.2 (Official) for x86_64?

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Mandriva Linux release 2010.2 (Official) for x86_64?

Am facut un update prin mmc, avad toate mediile active, si surpriza sau nu, dar :
cat /etc/issue
Mandriva Linux release 2010.2 (Official) for x86_64
Kernel on a Dual-processor x86_64

symbianflo's picture
dap in main updates/backports

dap in main updates/backports de saptamina trecuta deja apar pachete 2010.2
tot in rpm4.x :D

deocamdata e o "corcitura " ghghghgh issue nu reflecta %_rel, ca sa vezi tot incearca:
`cat /etc*release` MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are

symbianflo's picture

[code]Pacchetto Versione Release Arch.
(supporto "Main Updates 64")
indexhtml 2010.1 3.1mdv2010.2 noarch
mandriva-galaxy-data 2010.1 7.1mdv2010.2 noarch
mandriva-gfxboot-theme 2.1mdv2010.2 x86_64
mandriva-release-Free 2010.2 0.10.1mdv201> x86_64
mandriva-release-common 2010.2 0.10.1mdv201> x86_64[/code]

acuma e oficial :bigsmile:

[code]This is Mandriva Linux 2010.2
You can find the release notes in /usr/share/doc/mandriva-release-common/release-notes.txt
or on the web at[/code]

si cica.[code]
[symbianflo@Mandriva2010_1 ~]$ cat /etc/
vendor=Mandriva,distribution=Mandriva Linux,type=Basic,version=2010.2,branch=Official,release=1,arch=x86_64,product=Free[/code] MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are