[MIB] & [Rosa] Aplicatii kde3 pentru Mandriva 2011.0

Articol original pe MIB:
It was started especially aiming to enhance and expand software abilities:
New linux distros cannot install and use anymore several important and useful programs formerly made for KDE3, and we thought this is a pity.
So we looked for the best way to make a software layer allowing use of kde3 apps within kde4.
We chose a different place for binary and for menu entries (Tools/KDE3/...)
When everything was ready we found kde3 apps look too much different from 2011 ambient, so we decided to make an extra effort in order to modify look and feel, mimicking Rosa KDE4 UI.
We started refining the colour schemes, then buttons and finally the icons.
Some elements are still different, like scrollbars, but being in the inner code of kde3, we preferred to leave them alone for now, because the colour scheme is very similar and it fit the theme.
You can now play with Amarok 1.4.10 (in our opinion a great piece of software) or KPackage (the best package manager we used) for example.
All files are in MIB /basic repository.
Capturi de ecran:
Bineînțeles că dacă ar fi fost compilat și meta-pachetul ar fi mult mai ușor ...
KDE3 STUFF - mimicking Rosa KDE4 UI
here you find "More Info" and you can discuss about this project.
It's not a kde3 port like some can misunderstand, but a kde3 stuff (libs and apps) port
There were added all patches for full layer compatibility with new RPM5, GCC 4.6, ecc.
An example:
Configure MIB repo /basic for 2011 64bit,
urpmi.addmedia --update MIB-basic_64 http://mirror.pianetalinux.org/MIB/2011.0/64/basic/
then install using command
urpmi kde3-kdeadmin-kpackage
and you'll have kpackage
its voice in Mandriva Menu
Tools >> Kde3 >>> KPackage
If you install kde3-amarok, you can have it in parallel with new Amarok for KDE4
the same if you install KDE3 kwrite, you will have KDE 4 kwrite, and KDE3 kwrite.
You can use this as a layer to port cleanly your other preferred KDE3 programs into KDE4, or you can ask to MIB to port some old KDE3 programs for you
First positive comment:
MIB Team Staff
Wow, impressive job.
Wow, impressive job.
This makes me think though, the effort required to port all this stuff must have been significant, but is it really worth it? KDE3 is pretty much dead.
' Zombie: "Thou canst not kill that which doth not live. But you can blast it into chunky kibbles." ' (Quake1 manual, chapter VI, section D, line 676)
it's not a KDE3 port
it's not a KDE3 DE port, its name is KDE3 STUFF port!
it's truly different, we have now the best programs of KDE3, and we can port all old but good KDE3 apps:
many of old KDE3 programs had not an updated port in QT4, or other KDE4 title that could replace them!
I remember when we used KDE3 stuff in Mandriva 2009.1, It was not so much time away from now...
MIB Team Staff
Ok, cool, let's hope this
Ok, cool, let's hope this stuff will give us an edge against other distros then. Kudos! :>
' Zombie: "Thou canst not kill that which doth not live. But you can blast it into chunky kibbles." ' (Quake1 manual, chapter VI, section D, line 676)
OK installed ked3-admin
OK installed ked3-admin-kpackage (one of the best package manager ever ) it is pretty impressive the integration wit rpm5,
a.f.a.I.k. no distro has a kde3 apps porting for up to date distribution,and it's really working.
Hardly wait the tutorial how to integrate kde3 apps on rpm5/kde4.
Andrey really done a awesome job , this stuff should be promoted at least on contrib.
Pulfer for Tzar, vote Pulfer :D
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are