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Ei bine, am gasit pe internet un script care imi permite sa descarc trailere de pe site-ul Apple. Sper sa va fie si voua de folos. (copiati script-ul si lipiti-l intr-un fisier KWrite cu denumirea -, faceti-l executabil cu comanda chmod a+x si executati-l cu comanda ./
import urllib
import re
import sys
import os
import string
from urllib import FancyURLopener
class myOpenUrl(FancyURLopener):
version = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; it; rv: Gecko/20071127 Firefox/'
#strap movie url from html
def getMovieUrl(movieName, resolution):
moviePageUrl = getMoviePage(movieName,resolution)
f = urllib.urlopen(moviePageUrl)
s =
s = re.findall(r'http.+apple.+'+resolution+'.+mov', s)
if s:
return s[0]
print "Trailer not found"
#strap movie page from google search
def getMoviePage(movieName, resolution):
myopener = myOpenUrl()
page =''+ string.join(movieName.split(), "+") + "+site:")
html =
s = re.findall(r'href=[\'"]/url.q=([^\'"& >]+)',html)
return s[0]
except e:
print "Search failed: %s" % e
def main():
#if you want you can change to 720 or 1080, but is not garantee that it will find it
resolution = "480"
movieNameList = []
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if (sys.argv[1] == "-h"):
print "usages: ./"
print "OR"
print "usage: ./ listOfMovie.txt"
source = open(sys.argv[1], 'r')
movieNameList = source.readlines()
movieName = raw_input("Name of the movie : ")
for movieName in movieNameList:
print "Searching for '"+movieName+"'..."
movieUrl = getMovieUrl(movieName,resolution)
if movieUrl:
print "starting to download : "+ movieUrl
cmd = 'wget -U QuickTime/7.6.2 ' + movieUrl
except e:
print "Error when trying to download : " + movieName
print "movie not found"
if __name__ == '__main__':
As aprecia daca cineva il poate imbunatati!...da rezultate neasteptate, din pacate!
hmmm interesant , putem sa-l mai imbunatatim pe ici pe colo ? =))
Ms fain
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are
Interesant User-Agent ... :)) Ma mir cum de nu se prind idiotii aia de la Apple ca e ceva putred la mijloc.
:)) ai zis tu tot ... cum sa se prinda daca sint idioti ? :D
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are
O sa-l cam las balta de script pt ca nu functioneaza asa cum trebuie, asa ca recomand celor care doresc sa descarce trailere apple sa o faca in old fashion, adica:
1. cu un browser de web sa mearga la trailer-ul dorit si sa urmareasca adresa/calea unde este trailer-ul;
2. sa deschida o konsola si sa dea comanda
wget -U QuickTime
Exemplu: dorim sa descarcam trailer-ul battleship
wget -U QuickTime
Explicatie: deschidem cu browser-ul de web locatia trailer-ului, in cazul de fata este ¨universal/battleship¨ si salvam trailer-ul sub forma: ¨¨, daca dorim o alta rezolutie il salvam asa: ¨¨, respectiv 1080p.