Rosa Planet a doua editie

symbianflo's picture

Rosa planet este o revista , ce iese periodic , despre rosa si linux in general.
Avind in vedere ca si noi suntem parte din comunitatea Rosa Linux , o gasesc destul de interesanta,
in consecinta am pus-o si la noi pe server in format PDF.

Lectura Placuta


ocsi's picture

am o rugaminte pui si linkul de la prima editie?....mersi..

symbianflo's picture

Din pacate nu il mai am , era distribuit pe mailing list ptr ca comunitatile sa si-l publice unde vor , imi pare rau ...



First release was a pilot version, so we don't have it in English version. We want to try this idea first on Russian community and we had no resources to translate it in English.
The second version we prepared on two languages mainly because we have now one special translator for this task.
We plan to release ROSA Planet now on two (or more?) languages for our community. And we have a plan to release it once per a month.

So I very sorry for the lost first version :(.
With very best regards
Anton Chernyshov

deci sorry MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are