Si anume,am instalat GUI google earth,dar n-o vad in sistem,am dezinstalat-o cu terminalul:urpmi:su>urpme google earth,apoi l-am instalat tot cu consola>su>urpmi googleearth,verific in MCC,e instalat,dar nu-l gasesc!! unde ar putea fi? acum am descarcat GoogleEarth.linux.bin,e in Downloads,nu stiu cum sa-l rulez.
vreau ajutor. Multumesc in avans
Instalare Google Earth
12. September 2010 - 1:25
Instalare Google Earth
daca ia instalat cu urpmi atunci il lansezi cu
`/usr/bin/googleearth` din konsola, ( in caz ca nu apare in meniu)
daca ai descarcat bin-ul lor atunci tot in konsola:
( dar nu cred ca o sa il ai meniu nici asta , tot din shel tre sa-l rulezi sau ALT+F2 si scrii googleearth)
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are
mai nimic,aceasta explica?ie am gasit-o in MCC : "NOTE: This package does not contain the Google Eearth itself. The software will be automatically downloaded from Google during package installation. Alternatively you can use the command "download-googleearth" manually.
This package is in PLF because it installs software with non-free license."
adica ce maitrebuie sa fac? imi spune s? *you can use the comand "download-googleearth" manually*.
cum adic?? vrea cineva s? m? ajute? dac? da,îi mul?umesc cu anticipa?ie. 8)
si nu iteleg vcare e problema ta?
sa zicem ca pachetul rpm are adresa sursei gresite ( poate ca google au schimbat adresa si pachetul are aia veche ) , dar tu ziceai ca ai descarcat bin-ul , lanseazal cum ti-am zis , poate ca bin-ul nu-i executabil dai
`cd /unde ai salvat bin-ul && chmod +x *bin && ./*bin`
sau daca instalezi rpm-ul din plf il lansezi cum ti-am scris mai sus, adica e plf , daca nu apare in meniu nu il folosesti?
vezi ca konsola e prietenul tau si nu dsmanul ... :bigsmile:
-postedit -
bin-ul merge vezi shot-ul atasat
< ![shot][shot] !-- Images -->
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are
a mers intr-un sfâr?it !! stiu ca konsola e the best friend,dar...uite ce face the best friend: "
> **[root@localhost pretender]# cd Downloads
[root@localhost Downloads]# ls
GoogleEarthLinux.bin** README
[root@localhost Downloads]# chmod +x GoogleEarthLinux.bin
[root@localhost Downloads]# ./GoogleEarth.linux.bin
bash: ./GoogleEarth.linux.bin: No such file or directory
[root@localhost Downloads]# chmod +x googleearth.bin
chmod: cannot access `googleearth.bin': No such file or directory
[root@localhost Downloads]# chmod +x GoogleEarthLinux.bin
[root@localhost Downloads]# ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Google Earth for GNU/Linux**
dar a mers,a luat-o din loc ,e in my pc!!:party:
nu konsola face ...konsola face numai ce i se zice sa faca....
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are
Scuze, dar dupa 3(trei) zile mi-am dat seama ca am uitat ceva: sa-ti **Multumesc**!
p.s.:stiu ca e o posibilitate sa mori de sete cu toate berile noastre,dar...cine stie cand si unde....pica o bere :bigsmile:
valabil ptr rosalts ( vezi comentul meu) si ptr 2012.1.
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are