Intrebare intrebatoare: stie careva un editor video care utilizeaza GPU pentru randarea video? Am nevoie sa creez un clip de vreo 30 de minute din alte cateva mai mici iar cand dau render in KdenLive ma apuca batranetile, ar dura peste 1 ora utilizand doar CPU (la 2 threaduri pe un Core2Duo P8600).
Ai gasit ceva pana la urma? :)
' Zombie: "Thou canst not kill that which doth not live. But you can blast it into chunky kibbles." ' (Quake1 manual, chapter VI, section D, line 676)
Nu, astept dupa asta:
Ghidul Mandriva
Configurarea PPPoE
cauta un git , svn ceva ... ce licenta are ?
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are
git, svn sa cauti tu pt lightowkrs, da?
' Zombie: "Thou canst not kill that which doth not live. But you can blast it into chunky kibbles." ' (Quake1 manual, chapter VI, section D, line 676)
adica??? daca imi da un git si licienta se poate combina , nu inteleg ce vrei sa zici?
banui ca exploateaza CUDA pe nvidia, pe ati , nu stiu
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are
Nu e open-source, nici chiar gratis-gratis nu este. Asta vroia sa zica maaxx
Csabi′s BLOG
Linux registered user # 457717
aha.... am inteles....
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are