OpenMandriva Lx - Alpha Release

N3o's picture

Se pare ca Mandriva, sau mai bine zis, OpenMandriva - derivata 'comunitara' a Mandriva da semne de viata, a aparut primul release Alpha bazat pe ROSA Linux.

Dintre noutati amintim:

Kernel 3.8.12
KDE 4.10.4
Firefox 21
Clementine 1.1.1
ROMP 1.6-1

Se pare ca acest release vine sub forma a 2 .iso-uri, unul pentru i586 si altul pentru x86_64.

Mai multe detalii aici:

Cine are ocazia si curiozitatea sa testeze va invitam sa va spuneti parerile sub forma de comentarii mai jos!

Happy testing!


symbianflo's picture

stii ca m-or cenzurat... ma obiceiurile "bune" mostenite de la mama lor mdv ,greu se pierd.... ahahahahah MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are

N3o's picture

Pai ce le-ai spus si tu? :)

symbianflo's picture


Tuesday June 18th, 2013 at 07:58 PM (UTC 0) Link to this comment


Hello Gad,

The first reason is simply about passion.

OpenMandriva is the combination of several groups that joined their forces, which include people from Rosa, Mandriva France, Mandriva Brazil (ex-Conectiva) and several communities, like Unity Linux and independant people.

The work is not only about making a distro, we aim at being are a true open source toolbox, where many projects can be hosted neighboring and cooperating, where spins are easy [citing arisel here] “due the work done on the code, paired with the means of the build system we use and the anarchism of some parts of the community it is really easy to see OpenMandriva as some kind of a toolbox. So while we provide a nice and hopefully interesting distributions, we also try to make it possible for other to fulfill their ideas.”

We also host our own build system, based on Git-ABF, which development is lead by ABF team at Rosa (you can follow their work here, and we share our resources with Rosa ."

zice omul si io i-am zis ca nu-i chiar asa.... adica ei is 3 andrade, pok si bero , restul e tot rosa , adicatelea 1-din conectiva, 1 din mdv france ( pretenii Nuxului... ghghh) si unul din unity, restul is toti platiti si activi in rosa degeaba se caca pe el ...NO ROSA NO OMV pina si abf e al rusilor ... se supara Rubabnov ii lasa si fara chiloti de pe coada din tatza .... :D pina si kernelul qml e alui Nicco , pe romaneste , isi fac reclama pe bani altora...

Sa mai zic de grafica sau se vede ? ... se lauda cu ce ? kcm-* stack-folder, romp, roket-bar,simple-welkome si klook ? Toate produse omv ghghhgh
sau lasa , ma ajunge sa te uiti pe package tracker si vezi cit fac omv fara rosa... 32 de pachete actualizate pe omv ...restul copy/paste din 2012.1.... si alea 32 is in parte tot de packagerii rosa, facute... ( mai putin eu ... ghghgh) MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are

N3o's picture

Le-ai dat la picioare :)) Sa vedem cum evolueaza pe parcurs, poate or sa se 'branchuie' in ceva mai original :)