Craciun fericit!

maaxx's picture

Dragi linuxisti,

Va urez un Craciun fericit alaturi de distributia favorita si un pahar de vin bun! :-)


N3o's picture

Bine spus! :) Asemenea si tie si tuturor care inca mai bantuie pe meleagurile!

symbianflo's picture

DistributIILE suna mai corect :D, Craciun Fericit la toti si La Multi Ani ( in caz ca nu ne auzim pina la rev..)
Just out of curiosity , englezii au ceva vin baubil sau tre sa ti-l duci de acasa ma ? < evil > MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are

maaxx's picture

Nu fac vin, tot ce beau ei facut local e cider si scotch. Vinurile le importa din Franta/Italia/Spania etc.
As bea un vin moldovenesc, dar n-am de unde. :)

' Zombie: "Thou canst not kill that which doth not live. But you can blast it into chunky kibbles." ' (Quake1 manual, chapter VI, section D, line 676)

symbianflo's picture

si io ...hai sa-l jefuim pe shogunicu'.... MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are

shogun1's picture

Sărbă(u)tori fericite tuturor! ;)

==Those who feel the breath of sadness Sit down next to me Those who find they’re touched by madness Sit down next to me Those who find themselves ridiculous Sit down next to me ==

cgherman's picture

Cele mai bune ganduri am pentru voi toti!! Sarbatori Fericite..

ocsi's picture

Craciun Fericit!!!Sarbatori frumoase!!!

Urarea vine pentru toti linuxistii, cu multumiri celor care ¨pun umarul¨ la ajutorarea celor mai putin cunoscatori.
Multa sanatate si succese.