Compilare mplayer

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Compilare mplayer

Salut, cand incerc sa compilez mplaye imi spune ca trebuie sa fac downgrade la GCC compiler ? :-(

Checking for cc version ... 4.0.1, bad

*** Please downgrade/upgrade C compiler to version gcc-2.95.x or gcc-3.x! ***

You are not using a supported compiler. We do not have the time to make sure
everything works with compilers other than the ones we use. Use either the
same compiler as we do, or use --disable-gcc-checking but DO *NOT* REPORT BUGS
unless you can reproduce them after recompiling with a 2.95.x or 3.x version!

Re: Compilare mplayer

Sau sa dai optiunea --disable-gcc-checking daca vrei sa scapi de avertisment pe raspunderea ta.

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

Re: Compilare mplayer

Sau instalează şi una din versiunile pe care le vrea el, setând variabila CC.

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Re: Compilare mplayer

De ce nu folosesti rpm-ul de la plf? ala e mai bine compilat probabil decat ai putea tu sa il construiesti + ca ai la el o groaza de pluginuri (pt firefox, xmms etc) si codec pack.