Instalare modem

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Razvan Savin
Instalare modem

Salut. Ma bucur ca am un loc unde sa pot apela la cunostiintele de linux din Romania :)

Am o problema, am un modem Speedtouch USB 330 ADSL. Sunt abonat la Romtelecom, conexiunea realizandu-se cu PPPoE.

Cand am instalat prima oara Mandriva 2006, i-am dat sa instaleze driverul din Mandriva, am setat VPI/VCI cu 0 respectiv 35.
Insa cand ii dadeam sa se conecteze, spunea failed. Fara nici o alta eroare :| deasemenea, am observat ca atunci cand incarca modulele, la ppp0 statea foarte mult.
Am cautat solutii pe net si le-am gasit pe acestea doua

Insa nici una nu a mers :( uitati logul de la ultima metoda (teoretic cea mai sigura) (am folosit speedtouchconf-2.0-09_Jan_2006.tar.gz si pt kit)

[root@localhost speedtouchconf-2.0-09_Jan_2006]# ./

(c) Steve Parker, 17 Oct 2002 - 2005 (
speedtouchconf comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type:
    ./ -gpl
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions.
See the included file COPYING for more details.

*                                              *
* by Steve Parker      *
*                                              *
*    *
* based on project  *
*                                              *

If you have any problems with this script, mail me
(steve at steve-parker dot org) with the files
/tmp/speedtouch.txt and /var/log/messages for diagnosis.
The kernel speedtch module is loaded. This is not
compatible with the speedtouch usermode driver.
Removing the speedtch module
  Linux kernel version 2.6 okay.
*                                         *
*     Please select your ISP Settings     *
*                                         *

  Country/ISP            VPI    VCI
  Belgium, ?              8     35
  Denmark, Orang          8     35
  France, Wanadoo         8     35
  France, ?               8     67
  Italy, ?                8     35
  Netherlands, ?          8     48
  Netherlands             0     35
  Poland (NeoStrada)      0     35
  UK, Any                 0     38
  Austria (AON)           8     48
  US, BellSouth           8     35
  Singapore Pacificnet    0    100
Please type your VPI VCI numbers (eg, 0 38 for UK)
0 35
Please enter your ISP Login ID (eg
Please enter your ISP Password
  VPI / VCI : 0 / 35
  Login     : 021xxxxxxx@SIP3
  Password  : xxxxxxxx
Are these correct? (Y/N)
No further user interaction is required.
Configuring SpeedTouch Driver...
Software Configuration - SUCCESS
Building SpeedTouch Driver...
Software Build - SUCCESS
Installing SpeedTouch Driver...
Software Installation - SUCCESS
Creating ppp files in /etc/ppp
You can ignore any insmod hints here...

   *** Configuration finished. Starting the connection ***

Fri Apr 21 19:29:54 EEST 2006
The modem lights should start flashing for approx. 60 seconds...
You might see some messages about USBDEVFS_BULK failed - you can ignore this.
Apr 21 19:30:00 localhost CROND[8531]: (mail) CMD (/usr/bin/python -S /usr/lib/m
Fri Apr 21 19:30:30 EEST 2006
The lights should both be solid green now.
Apr 21 19:30:30 localhost modem_run[8528]: ADSL synchronization has been obtaine
Apr 21 19:30:30 localhost modem_run[8528]: ADSL line is up (2048 kbit/s down | 3
84 kbit/s up)
Running : /usr/sbin/pppd call adsl
Called pppd - you should see some messages about IP addresses now...
Apr 21 19:30:40 localhost pppd[8542]: pppd 2.4.3 started by root, uid 0
Apr 21 19:30:40 localhost pppd[8542]: Using interface ppp0
Apr 21 19:30:40 localhost pppd[8542]: Connect: ppp0  /dev/pts/2
Apr 21 19:30:40 localhost pppoa3[8546]: pppoa3 version 1.3.1 started by root (ui
d 0)
Apr 21 19:30:40 localhost pppoa3[8546]: Control thread ready
Apr 21 19:30:40 localhost pppoa3[8546]: host  --> pppoa3 --> modem stream ready
Apr 21 19:30:40 localhost pppoa3[8546]: modem --> pppoa3 --> host  stream ready
Apr 21 19:30:40 localhost[8553]: DEVNAME is not set
Apr 21 19:31:11 localhost pppd[8542]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Apr 21 19:31:11 localhost pppd[8542]: Connection terminated.
Apr 21 19:31:11 localhost pppd[8542]: Using interface ppp0
Apr 21 19:31:11 localhost pppd[8542]: Connect: ppp0  /dev/pts/3
Apr 21 19:31:11 localhost pppoa3[8559]: pppoa3 version 1.3.1 started by root (ui
d 0)
Apr 21 19:31:11 localhost pppoa3[8559]: Control thread ready
Apr 21 19:31:11 localhost pppoa3[8559]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
Apr 21 19:31:11 localhost[8562]: DEVNAME is not set
Apr 21 19:31:11 localhost[8568]: DEVNAME is not set
* Don't seem to have connected. *
Please check the username and password in /etc/ppp/*-secrets.
Also check the VPI/VCI in /etc/ppp/peers/adsl
You could try removing the following files first:
Then run /etc/rc.d/init.d/speedtouch start
Current settings: 021xxxxxxx@SIP3 / xxxxxxxx / 0 / 35
[root@localhost speedtouchconf-2.0-09_Jan_2006]#

Multumesc anticipat :-)

Syl's picture
Re: Instalare modem

Nu nu nu... de mai multe ori nu. Nu merge programul ala, si eu l-am incercat. Uite, asta merge! ;)

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[url=]Cărămida Verde[/url]: intelige

Razvan Savin
Re: Instalare modem

Multumesc :) Intre timp am trecut la Suse si acolo am gasit un script care chiar mergea, dar acolo nu imi merge XGL :( acum incerc sa vad daca pot sa fac modemu sa mearga si pe mandriva :) Ms inca o data

Re: Instalare modem

Merge sa sharuiesti conexiunea de la Clicknet Express 512 kbs? Am un calculator conectat la net prin CE si inca unu conectat prin cablu crossover la asta cu legatura de net. In windows am incercat sa configurez reteaua, nu am reusit. am incercat cu internet connection sharing, cu bridge, cu DNSurile, respectiv 3 si cu ipul calculatorul conectat la net ca si gateway pentru celalalt, dar nu am resusit. Poate ati incercat vreunul pe linux. Modemul e tot Speedtouchul de mai sus.

Syl's picture
Re: Instalare modem

tot pe pagina de mai sus gasesti si informatia care te intereseaza... Uita-te mai bine!

[url=]ToXic Chat[/url]. Come on people, let's talk sick! | [url=]Stiri RSS[/url]
[url=]Cărămida Verde[/url]: intelige