Un articol care vine in ajutorul utilizatorilor incepatori de Vim.
"To me, vi is Zen.
To use vi is to practice zen.
Every command is a koan.
Profound to the user,
unintelligible to the uninitiated.
You discover truth every time you use it."
Un articol care vine in ajutorul utilizatorilor incepatori de Vim.
"To me, vi is Zen.
To use vi is to practice zen.
Every command is a koan.
Profound to the user,
unintelligible to the uninitiated.
You discover truth every time you use it."
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Pentru mine editorul asta e antologic. Am un blocaj in fata lui. Imi plac comenzile de obicei si stau in consola dar cand vine vorba de editat text mor de foame cu el in fata. Nu stiu de ce...creierul meu refuza sa invete... :-D
We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
de la o varsta incolo devine din ce in ce mai greu sa inveti lucruri noi :D