probleme legate de audacious.
@N3o daca poti posteazami aici:
shell exit :rpm -q audacious --provides
( daca esti in 2010.0 x86-64)
si inca mai :rpmlint -i audacious
( sa nu te speri daca iti da vreo 10 warnings si 1 sau 2 erori ;D se intimla si la case mai mari )
rpm -q audacious --provides
audacious = 5:2.1-2mdv2010.0
audacious(x86-64) = 5:2.1-2mdv2010.0
rpmlint -i audacious
audacious.x86_64: W: tag-not-utf8 %changelog
The character encoding of the value of this tag is not UTF-8.
audacious.x86_64: W: self-obsoletion beep-media-player obsoletes beep-media-player
The package obsoletes itself. This is known to cause errors in various tools
and should thus be avoided, usually by using appropriately versioned Obsoletes
and/or Provides and avoiding unversioned ones.
audacious.x86_64: W: non-standard-group Sound
The value of the Group tag in the package is not valid. Valid groups are:
"Amusements/Games", "Amusements/Graphics", "Applications/Archiving",
"Applications/Communications", "Applications/Databases",
"Applications/Editors", "Applications/Emulators", "Applications/Engineering",
"Applications/File", "Applications/Internet", "Applications/Multimedia",
"Applications/Productivity", "Applications/Publishing", "Applications/System",
"Applications/Text", "Development/Debug", "Development/Debuggers",
"Development/Languages", "Development/Libraries", "Development/System",
"Development/Tools", "Documentation", "System Environment/Base", "System
Environment/Daemons", "System Environment/Kernel", "System
Environment/Libraries", "System Environment/Shells", "User
Interface/Desktops", "User Interface/X", "User Interface/X Hardware Support".
audacious.x86_64: W: manpage-not-compressed-with-bzip2 /usr/share/man/man1/audtool2.1.lzma
audacious.x86_64: W: manpage-not-compressed-with-bzip2 /usr/share/man/man1/audacious2.1.lzma
This manual page is not compressed with bzip2. If the compression does not
happen automatically when the package is rebuilt, make sure that you have the
appropriate rpm helper and/or config packages for your target distribution
installed and try rebuilding again; if it still does not happen automatically,
you can compress this file in the %install section of the spec file.
audacious.x86_64: W: file-not-utf8 /usr/share/doc/audacious/README
The character encoding of this file is not UTF-8. Consider converting it in
the specfile's %prep section for example using iconv(1).
audacious.x86_64: W: empty-%postun
audacious.x86_64: W: empty-%post
1 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 8 warnings.
Ghidul Mandriva
Configurarea PPPoE
ok multam
credeam ca rpmlint daca tot l-au refacut , macar sa-l fi facut bine da vad ca e numai un rebuild din vechiul pehrl
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are