Centru de instruire linux in Romania

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Centru de instruire linux in Romania

Am primit urmatorul email si il postez pe site in speranta ca va fi citit de persoane care pot oferi sprijin pentru acest proiect. Nu cunosc amanunte si de asemenea nu stiu nimic despre seriozitatea persoanei respective.

-------Original Message-------


Date: 04/28/05 15:05:19

Subject: [Imc-romania] Informazioni

Dear Sirs,

my name is Enrico Vasquez and I job in the sector of the computer science from for many years.
I have interest to create a center of Linux studies in Romania for:

1. The study of the Linux and the creation of new applications;
2. The realization of new documentation for the Linux;
3. The realization of Linux courses structured in different levels.

To this intention, I would appreciate know if it is possible through You enter contact with experienced people in Linux from Romania, preferably of Bucuresti or Timisoara, for realize this my plan.
For Your information, my biography has published in the site http://www.travel-images.com/enrico-vasquez.html.
I thank You for Your time.
Yours sincerely,
Enrico Vasquez.