Criptarea datelor - tutorial

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Criptarea datelor - tutorial

One of the qualities that distinguishes Linux from lesser operating systems is its superior support for your privacy and security. That means more than avoiding buggy virus-propagating applications, such as Microsoft's Outlook and Internet Explorer. Savvy people and organizations quite rightly want to protect their data files and e-mail from snooping eyes. One way to do so is by keeping important files in coded form, a practice known as encryption.

Acest tutorial despre criptarea datelor sub linux Linux - capitolul 11 , "Keeping Your Data Private", din cartea Guide to Linux scrisa de Peter van der Linden este impartit in trei parti:
Partea 1 - este descrisa functionarea criptariea cu chei publice si utilizarea aplicatiei GnuPG.
Partea 2 - ne prezinta cateva exemple de cripare/decriptare fisiere.
Partea 3 - ne explica realizarea si citirea e-mail-urilor criptate.