Driver Ati pentru Mandriva2006

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Driver Ati pentru Mandriva2006

Am si io o problema cu driverele de la ati pentur placa mea (radeon9550). NU merge deloc accelrarea 3d...nici meniul de la tuxracer (ppracer acum) nu se vede klumea, apare cu cam 5fps.
Am intrat pe site la ati si am luat ultima versiune de driver Ati si tot nu merge.
Stie cineva alte drivere care nu sunt produse de Ati ( cum sunt omega din windows), sau un tutorial pentru incepatori (prosti) pentru configurarea driverului.

Re: Driver Ati pentru Mandriva2006

nu cumva mai trebuie sa editezi si xorg.conf?
ce scrie in documentatia driverului?

oricum daca vrei accelerare 3d cum trebuie in linux ar fi cazul sa treci la nvidia

Re: Driver Ati pentru Mandriva2006

Din pacate noi suntem fani NVIDIA asa ca partea de documentatie si tutoriale pentru ATI scartaie rau. Asta e... Ai insa aici un text care mi se pare interesant si din care citez mai jos. Mai trebuie spus ca versiunile comerciale de Mandriva si depozitele de pe Mandriva Club contin drivere facute special si care dupa instalare ofera acces la toate functiile placii, inclusiv 3D.

1. download ATI's latest driver *rpm package.
2. get into root (ie 'su')
3. do "rpm -ivh --force fglrx*.rpm"

Now you want to be in 'init 3' for steps 4-11:

4. cd to /usr/src/fglrx-8.16.20/. This is where the code was installed under Mandrake.
(there is no true /lib/modules/ directory in Mandrake distros, unfortunately).

5. EXPERIMENTAL: in the weblink I referenced, for their 64 bit system (Fedora) they went into 'firegl_public.c' and changed:
#include "asm/ioctl32.h"
#include "linux/ioctl32.h"
anyone that has a 64 bit Mandrake system may want to look into this and experiment. I have a 32 bit system.

6. run '' (you may have to do a 'chmod +w' first)

7. load driver. "modprobe fglrx.ko" did NOT work for me. I actually had to do a "insmod fglrx.ko"

8. do a 'fglrxinfo' and 'lsmod | grep fglrx' to see that the driver loaded properly.

9. Only execute 'fglrxconfig' if you know what you are doing. There are a lot of options I did not understand the benefits and drawbacks of activating them, and I have not found any documentation here or on ATI's website for this.

10. Execute 'init 5'.

11. Once you are in your graphical environment, open a terminal, goto root, and enter 'glxgears' to see your FPS. My latest run I get:
11615 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2323.000 FPS
11507 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2301.400 FPS
11587 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2317.400 FPS
for my system which is a 2.0GHz Pentium M with 128MB 9600 ATI card. I have been told by an ATI engineer that it is possible on some systems to push this FPS up to 7000.

What is left for me to FIX so that I have a normal running system again is to get Mandrake to automatically load my fglrx driver, do an 'init 5' instead of an 'init 3', and most likely re-install my sound driver. I also need to get dkms to quit trying to load the old ati drivers that are part of the Mandrake distro. I'm a little green in these areas so any advice is appreciated.

Daca iti merge ce scrie in textul de mai sus, da un semn sa il traducem si sa il bagam la tutoriale.

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

Re: Driver Ati pentru Mandriva2006

Multumesc pentru raspuns...o sa incerc sa vad ce pot face.
Problema e ca ma enerveaza driverele ati. Cand aveam nvidia am reusit instalarea fara sa am probleme.
Ma gandesc sa trec din nou la nvidia
daca reusesc sa instalez ati o sa va spun cum am reusit...