Fa-o in felul tau

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Fa-o in felul tau

Titlul ar putea anunta orice, de la o revolutie sexuala pana la o serie de retete pentru mancare dar acum este vorba despre ODF si Office OpenXML. Corel s-a plasat pe o pozitie echidistanta si a anuntat ca noua versiune de Corel WordPerfect va oferi suport pentru ambele. Adica lasa "plebea" sa hotarasca ce va folosi. Detalii aici.

Supporting both ODF and OOXML places Corel in a unique format-neutral position, independent of Microsoft, Adobe and other vendors’ efforts to propagate their respective standards. This format-neutral approach allows Corel to focus directly on addressing the needs of customers, whose adoption choices will determine which formats will become most relevant. Corel is the only vendor to take such an approach.