Fara drivere propietare pe Linux?

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Fara drivere propietare pe Linux?

Se pare ca Greg Kroah-Hartman lucreaza la un patch care va impiedica folosirea driverelor propietare pe Linux? Nu cred ca vor fi foarte multi useri incantati de acest patch. Detalii aici.

[ι]A paintball gun is a recreational item but can be used to kill someone if you shoot them in the temple from point-blank range. The former is its intended use; the latter is an unintended and illegal use, but it is not prevented.[/ι]

cgherman's picture
Raspuns: Fara drivere propietare pe Linux?

adica cum? daca producatorii pun la dispozitia utilizatorilor drivere pentru linux cum va putea impiedica acest lucru...

atunci iti poti compila singur kernelul si ai scapat de acesta limitare.

E o idee ce nu va fi imbratisata de marile distributii..

cgherman's picture
Raspuns: Fara drivere propietare pe Linux?

Iata un raspuns trimis de Linus referitor la aceasta problema:

I happen to believe that there shouldn't be technical measures that keep
me from watching my DVD or listening to my music on whatever device I damn
well please. Fair use, man. But it should go the other way too: we should
not try to assert _our_ copyright rules on other peoples code that wasn't
derived from ours, or assert _our_ technical measures that keep people
from combining things their way.

If people take our code, they'd better behave according to our rules. But
we shouldn't have to behave according to the RIAA rules just because we
_listen_ to their music. Similarly, nobody should be forced to behave
according to our rules just because they _use_ our system.

There's a big difference between "copy" and "use". It's exatcly the same
issue whether it's music or code. You can't re-distribute other peoples
music (becuase it's _their_ copyright), but they shouldn't put limits on
how you personally _use_ it (because it's _your_ life).

Same goes for code. Copyright is about _distribution_, not about use. We
shouldn't limit how people use the code.

Oh, well. I realize nobody is likely going to listen to me, and everybody
has their opinion set in stone.
