Ceea ce prevedeam eu cind am editat drakrpm s-a intimplat , adica drakrpm confunda :urpmi --auto-update
cu :urpmi --auto-upgrade
deci daca doriti sa va tineti inca 2009.1 nu upadatati nici cu urpmi nici din mdkapplet
sa speram ca vor rezolva problema . >:(
5. November 2009 - 21:34
O fi vreun apropo să schimbe toți versiunea de Mandriva ? ;)
==Those who feel the breath of sadness Sit down next to me Those who find they’re touched by madness Sit down next to me Those who find themselves ridiculous Sit down next to me == http://stressat.blogspot.com/
eu folosesc de obicei:
urpmi --auto-update
aia am vrut sa zic , din cauza vitezei am uitat "-" .
( postedit)
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are