Instalare server Xgl sub Mandriva

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cgherman's picture
Instalare server Xgl sub Mandriva

Pentru cei interesati gasiti aici un tutorial pntru instalarea serverului Xgl sub Mandriva.

Comanda startxgl porneste initial GNOME dar daca doriti sa-l folositi cu KDE modificati ultima linie din scriptul /usr/bin/startxgl inlocuind:

DISPLAY:1 gnome-session &


DISPLAY:1 startkde &

Atentie unele aplicatii nu vor porni cu KDE dar cele bazate pe gtk se pare ca sunt ok (Firefox, Gaim)



ptr ca linkul a disparut postez aici textul original

xgl in Mandriva
Sent by 8 arturios March, 2006 - 07:37
Only I have a pair of minutes to perpretar this entrance, you will pardon the lack of styles and all that. Hallucinating the one of xgl that, is not that it serves for much, but causes that gnome is really spectacular. In this blog [ in French ] comes like installing it in our Mandriva which is really simple. Add this repository to the list of ours to accede to the packages:

urpmi.addmedia xgl-cvs

Instalamos the packages:
urpmi compiz-xgl-compat libcairo-xgl-compat libdrm-xgl-compat libglitz-xgl-compat libsvg-cairo-xgl-compat libsvg-xgl-compat mesa-xgl-compat-2006 xgl-cvs-060225-0.0.1 xorg-xgl-compat-2006

Desconectamos surroundings X with
service dm stop

and we sent the Xgl with gnome

startxgl &

hat if, it is necessary to have gnome installed, if it is not thus, with this instruction we installed it.

urpmi task-gnome

This last one to my did not work to me and I installed it by hand, but I suppose that I have too many "esperimentales" repositorios and happens what happens. Now only it is to make script to send kde instead of gnome that is not bad writing-desk, but is not the one that like my.

Re: Instalare server Xgl sub Mandriva

urpmi xgl-cvs-060225
One of the following packages is needed:
1- libsvg-xgl-compat-0.1.4-1mdk.i586 : libsvg CVS compat for xgl (to install)
2- libsvg1-devel-0.1.3-1mdk.i586 : Libraries and include files for developing with libsvg (to install)
What is your choice? (1-2) 1
The following packages can't be installed because they depend on packages
that are older than the installed ones:


cgherman's picture
Re: Instalare server Xgl sub Mandriva

asta am instalat aseara:

libpango1.0_0-modules-1.10.4-1mdk Du 26 mar 2006 23:02:22 EEST
xgl-cvs-060225-0.0.1-2mdk Du 26 mar 2006 23:02:20 EEST
compiz-xgl-compat-0.0.4-2mdk Du 26 mar 2006 23:02:17 EEST
libgnome-window-settings1-2.12.3-2mdk Du 26 mar 2006 23:02:04 EEST
libgnome-desktop-2_2-2.12.3-2mdk Du 26 mar 2006 23:01:50 EEST
gnome-desktop-2.12.3-2mdk Du 26 mar 2006 23:01:46 EEST
libsvg-cairo-xgl-compat-0.1.6-1mdk Du 26 mar 2006 23:01:44 EEST
libpango1.0_0-devel-1.10.4-1mdk Du 26 mar 2006 23:01:42 EEST
libpango1.0_0-1.10.4-1mdk Du 26 mar 2006 23:01:27 EEST
libgnome-menu2-2.12.0-3mdk Du 26 mar 2006 23:01:04 EEST
libcairo-xgl-compat-1.0.2-1mdk Du 26 mar 2006 23:01:04 EEST
libglitz-xgl-compat-0.5.4-1mdk Du 26 mar 2006 23:01:02 EEST
mesa-xgl-compat-2006-1.0-1mdk Du 26 mar 2006 23:01:00 EEST
libdrm-xgl-compat-2.0-1mdk Du 26 mar 2006 23:00:59 EEST
pango-1.10.4-1mdk Du 26 mar 2006 23:00:58 EEST
libsvg-xgl-compat-0.1.4-1mdk Du 26 mar 2006 23:00:57 EEST
xorg-xgl-compat-2006-1.0-1mdk Du 26 mar 2006 23:00:44 EEST

Re: Instalare server Xgl sub Mandriva

Mie mi se blocheaza calculatorul dupa cateva zeci de minute de functionare in xgl.

Re: Instalare server Xgl sub Mandriva

looking glass de la sun a incercat cineva sa il instaleze?
inainte sa ma chinui as vrea sa stiu daca merge frumos pe mandriva :)

Re: Instalare server Xgl sub Mandriva

Am instalat si looking glass. XGL pare ca se misca mult mai bine. Deranjante sunt insa blocarile complete de sistem.

Syl's picture
Re: Instalare server Xgl sub Mandriva

Looking Glass e Java, Java e lent, lent nu e bun :P

zagreus, nu generaliza! Mie îmi merge excelent XGL-ul... ore întregi... Dacă ai probleme, vezi aici:

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Re: Instalare server Xgl sub Mandriva

Placa video este ATI PCI Express X550. Daca dau zoom, in maxim 5 secunde se blocheaza tot sistemul. Am facut tot felul de modificari in xorg.conf (din ce am mai gasit pe net) dar fara efect. Incep sa cred ca e o incompatibilitate cu pci-xpress-ul.