Se pare ca Internetul pe care il stim noi - liber - e pe cale sa se schimbe. Deja cativa mari provider din SUA au decis sa faca filtarea continutului catre end-user (VOIP, torrent, Youtube) din cauza multor probleme iscate de drepturile de proprietate. La noi cand se va intampla asta? Sper ca cat mai tarziu.
Mai multe aici.
de la o natie de imbecili nici nu ma asteptam la lucruri bune.
usa = war, oil, stupidity, patents, war, fat, war for oil, polution, oil, stupidity, war for oil, polution
Nu e off-topic, dar trebuia la Taverna. :))
La inceput a fost . . . kernelul!
Close Windows...Open Source.
Maine Passes a Net Neutrality Resolution
"Maine has become the first state in the US to pass legislation on net neutrality. The resolution, LD 1675, recognizes the importance of 'full, fair and non-discriminatory access to the Internet' and instructs the Public Advocate to study what can be done to protect the rights of Maine Internet users. A 2005 decision by the Federal Communications Commission put in jeopardy net neutrality principles that had been in place since the inception of the Internet." Maine's resolution may be more symbolic than effective. This isn't the first time Maine has been out in front of other states on a controversial issue.