Interviu Linspire

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Interviu Linspire

Linspire este una dintre distributiile destinate utilizarii exclusiv pe desktop, concurand pe undeva cu Suse si Mandriva. Chiar daca nu are o traditie prea indelungata si nici nu se bucura de mare succes in randul utilizatorilor linux este un fenomen in crestere si aduce mereu inovatii. Va invit sa cititi aici un interviu cu directorul acestei companii, Kevin Carmony. Sunt prezente cateva afirmatii interesante ale acestuia:

Linspire is the only operating system I use and has been for almost three years. I have one desktop at my office, several desktops in my home, and IBM ThinkPad for when I travel, all running Linspire Five-0....

... I'm always surprised when I meet with leaders of some of the other Linux companies and see them running Windows on their notebooks. I could quit this job tomorrow and you couldn't drag me back to using Microsoft Windows...

...The biggest monopoly Microsoft has today isn't about technology, but rather a monopoly of the mind....