KDE 3.5.3 disponibil pe servere

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cgherman's picture
KDE 3.5.3 disponibil pe servere

Fara anunturi prealabile am gasit pe servere sursele noii versiuni KDE 3.5.3. Ce aduce nou aceasta versiune aflati din acest changelog.


Dintre imbunatatiri se mentioneaza:
- KDE startup sequence reordered to improve startup time.
- Over 800 minor issues fixed thanks to Coverity, as part of a project initiated with funding from the United States Government.
- Small new features were implemented in Akregator, KMail and KAlarm. This release alters the tradition of limiting "maintenance releases" to bug fixes. "Feature freeze" was relaxed somewhat to accommodate qualitative improvements held back by the long release cycle of stable 3.5.x series.

Anunt oficial.

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