KDE 3.5.6 - lansat oficial

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cgherman's picture
KDE 3.5.6 - lansat oficial

Echipa KDE a anuntat lansarea oficiala a versiunii 3.5.6 al window managerului sau si care este o versiune ce corecteaza bugurile raportate in ultimele luni de la lansarea versiunii anterioare.

This release includes a number of bugfixes for KHTML, Kate, the kicker, ksysguard and lots of other applications. Significant features include additional support for compiz as a window manager with kicker, session management browser tabs for Akregator, templating for KMail messages, and new summary menus for Kontact making it easier to work with your appointments and to-do's. Translations continue as well, with Galician translations nearly doubling to 78%.

Pentru cei nerabdatori exista si pachete neoficiale compilate pentru Mandriva de Thac si Ze.

Anuntul oficial.
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