KOffice 1.5 - lansare oficiala

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KOffice 1.5 - lansare oficiala

Echipa KDE a anuntat lansarea versiunii 1.5 al suitei sale office care pe langa utilizarea formatului OpenDocument pentru fisierele sale aduce noi aplicatii: Kplato, Krita si Kexi.

This release includes:
a frame-based, full-featured word processor (KWord);
a spreadsheet application (KSpread);
a presentation application (KPresenter);
a flowchart application (Kivio);
an integrated database application (Kexi);
a pixel based image editing and paint application (Krita);
a vector-drawing application (Karbon14).
a technology preview of a new project management application (KPlato).
Additionally, KOffice includes robust embeddable objects:
report generator (Kugar)
Note: Kugar is deprecated in this release will be replaced with another solution. It's only included since there are users that are already using it.
full-featured charting engine (KChart)
mathematical formula handling (KFormula)
as well as a built-in thesaurus (KThesaurus) and support for many different file formats.

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