Mandriva 2008.1 Spring - mai 24 de ore!

N3o's picture

Asa cum s-a planuit acum 6 luni, maine 9 aprilie se va lansa versiunea 2008.1 Spring a Mandriva.
Aceasta versiune include multe noutati printre care si faptul ca este prima versiune dezvoltata in parteneriat cu Turbolinux. Astfel componentele principale vor fi comune pentru ambele distributii.


Mandriva 2008.1 Spring - mai sunt 24 de ore!

N3o's picture

De la momentul postarii stirii nu mai _sunt_ 24 de ore! :)

cgherman's picture

eu deja sunt pe 2008.1 (alias cooker)

faceam referire la titlu ca ai mancat verbul din propozitie :)

N3o's picture

gandeam in engleza (24 hours left)


La inceput a fost . . . kernelul!Close Windows...Open Source.

La inceput a fost . . . kernelul!
Close Windows...Open Source.

N3o's picture

beranger's picture

Ce e aia "componentele principale vor fi comune"? Care componente? Codeina?

N3o's picture

”Manbo Labs

We reached the end of our first cycle of Manbo Labs. We set up this joint development effort with our friends from Turbolinux in the Fall of 2007. It was not easy at first since we had different cultures and approaches, but we learned how to work together. The first delivery of Manbo Labs now serves as the core of our Mandriva 2008 Spring distro. Turbolinux will base its next product on the same core. We are happy we did this together, it allowed us to invest more in the core technology. As announced, the core components are all available under a free and open source license”

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