Mandriva Linux 2006 Christmas Club Edition

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Mandriva Linux 2006 Christmas Club Edition

Se pregateste lansarea unei noi versiuni de Mandriva Linux, numita Mandriva Linux 2006 Christmas Club Edition. Ea va fi disponibila pentru membrii clubului si va consta intr-o versiune de 2006 updatata la zi incluzand printre altele GNOME 2.12, 2.0 si o tema grafica noua dedicata sarbatorilor de iarna. Cititi mai multe aici.

The Christmas release will basically be a snapshot of the 2006.0 Community tree (the one in /devel/2006.0 on the mirrors, so it includes several bugfixes and minor package updates since 2006.0's release) along with the GNOME 2.12 and 2.0 packages that have already been released through the Club urpmi media. It will also have some new graphical stuff with a Christmas theme, and if you do a fresh install, GNOME will be the default desktop (just the default package choice, KDE is still included of course).