Mandriva: Nu vom plati taxa de protectie!

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Mandriva: Nu vom plati taxa de protectie!

In urma ultimelor evenimente legate de intelegerile semnate intre diverse distributii linux si Micro$oft si a zvonurilor cum ca Mandriva va fi urmatoarea pe lista celor ce vor semna cu compania lui Bill, François Bancilhon a tinut sa faca publica atitudinea Mandriva S.A. in ceea ce priveste subiectul:

Up to now, there has been absolutely no hard evidence from any of the FUD propagators that Linux and open source applications are in breach of any patents. So we think that, as in any democracy, people are innocent unless proven guilty and we can continue working in good faith. So we don't believe it is necessary for us to get protection from MS to do our job or to pay protection money to anyone."

Mai multe aici.

Good game, Mandriva!