MCNLive "VirtualCity"

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MCNLive "VirtualCity"

Echipa de la a lansat versiunea finala  a distributiei MCNLive "VirtualCity" - bazata pe Mandriva 2007 - ce include VirtualBox - aplicatie free ce permite rularea de sisteme de operare pe masini virtuale.

Ce mai include:

# All security and bugfixes updates from MDV 2007 have been applied. Handling of the JMicron controller should be improved.
# And of course all the stunning features of Cherbourg are included. Create a bootable USB pen drive with a few clicks, run the system with the copy2ram cheatcode, make your own personalized live version on-the-fly, mount NTFS partitions read-write.
# KDE desktop environment, konqueror, Opera, Amarok, JuK, kaudiocreator, kmplayer, digikam, KOffice suite, KDE games, Kontact suite, smb4k, kasablanca, kopete, k3b, Ark, kget, kate, Yakuake - and of course MCC, the Mandriva Control Center.

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