[MIB]-DrakLive 0.9-3

Dupa esecul lui Oliver Blin in a dezvolta DrakLive ( creatorul mandriva pentru live iso )
baietii de pe MIB au reusit sa fixeze erorile de scripting si sa avem un Drak-live funcional
corectind toate erorile.
Nu stiu daca Oliver Blin chiar era incapabil sau i-a fost ordonat de a mentine un drak-live nefunctional.
Vine consiliat ca mirror in local toate mediile pe care doriti sa le folositi la contruirea imagini iso .
Anuntul original:
DrakLive 0.9-3
With this working version you can build your iso!
This clean version now uses only mdv repository and not plf & MIB.
It's similar to the tool we used, with some modifications, to prepare our ISOs.MIB fixed several errors not allowing official DrakLive to finalize ISO projects.
The ISO file will be compatible with MIB LiveToFlash, so you can run it on USB Flash, even with a persistent root and home partition, and an extra partition for data exchange.
For instructions, you can follow web resources available for official Mandriva DrakLive (Wiki, Forum).
Felicitari echipei MIB.
Bravo guys!
Bravo guys!
Ghidul Mandriva
Configurarea PPPoE