Michael Robertson este "rau" cu Apple

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Michael Robertson este "rau" cu Apple

Numele lui Michael Robertson este legat in primul rand de situl mp3.com si apoi de Linspire, un sistem de operare are promitea sa revolutioneze felul in care este este vazut linuxul. O personalitate "dificila" pentru cei care doresc sa instituie reguli sa sa detina monopoluri, s-a luptat mereu cu cei mai puternici de pe piata IT si a reusit intr-un fel sau altul sa se descurce in incercarile sale de a schimba ceva. Ultimul sau proiect: Bad Apple. Asa cum spune si autorul articolului, timpul ne-a demonstrat ca orice ar face Michael Robertson merita privit cu atentie. :-D Cititi mai multe aici.

...I think there is a battle going on right now between, you know, proprietary formats and open standards. On one side of the war, you've got big corporations like Microsoft and Apple coming out with their FairPlay or some other highly misleading description of their technology, trying to battle for a proprietary world. DRM (digital rights management) of course is the big cornerstone of that....

I asked Steve Jobs to put FairPlay onto Linux and he said "no". I mean, flat-out no. That's not a world I want. I want a world where people can choose any hardware device they want, any operating system, and not have to re-buy their music every time they get a new device. I think open standards are the key to that. What we were trying to do with BadApple is pull the world more towards an open direction."