PC-urile bat consolele

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PC-urile bat consolele

PC-urile high-end destinate jocurilor sunt cu mult mai performante decat actualele console, fie ele si de ultima generatie.  Detalii aici.

Together, two new systems I tested cost nearly $16,000 - as much as a new Honda Civic. But a new car can't run video games .... These two screamers are among the fastest, most capable machines money can buy for all your video gaming needs.

cgherman's picture
Raspuns: PC-urile bat consolele

la pretul cat cer pe ele ar fi cazul sa faca aste.... :D

oricum chiar ma intreb cine da banii pe asa sisteme.... mai scumpe ca un server???

Raspuns: PC-urile bat consolele

Nu stiu, un super-gamer. Campionul mondial la Minesweeper crezi ca are asa ceva  ???  ;D

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.