Re: 648-14 impotriva

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cgherman's picture
Re: 648-14 impotriva

Parlamentul Europei a votat cu 648-14 (18 abtineri) impotriva controversatei directive 'Computer-implemented Inventions Directive' . Parlamentarii EU considera ca patentele software vor limita inovatia, pot crea dificultati in afaceri iar cunoasterea umana nu poate fi patentata.

Re: 648-14 impotriva

Grozav ! Parca totusi nu era ultimul vot nu ?

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

Re: 648-14 impotriva

the European Union today rejected changes to its patent system that would have tightened patent protections and potentially made it easier to sue for infringement

“There will be no new proposals from the commission.”

The defeat of the bill was hailed as a victory for the open source community and for those who believed the system would stifle innovation.

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Re: 648-14 impotriva


Re: 648-14 impotriva

E ceva ciudat. N-am prea vazut reactii. Media n-a abordat subiectul. Cam liniste asupra acestui rezultat al votului. Unii s-au luptat mai sa-si dea viata si acum nimic. Nu gasesc nici o explicatie. Are cineva vreuna?

Re: 648-14 impotriva

Da, este putin straniu. Si eu m-am gandit la asta. Pana la urma, tu te simti entuziasmat ? :-( Nu cred ca trebuie aplaudat firescul. Era normal sa nu fie adoptate...

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

Re: 648-14 impotriva

Cand e vorba de ceva legat de Micro$oft ... nici nu se mai stie ce e firesc si ce nu :-D
Te poti astepta la orice ...
Oricum ... bine ca s-a terminat cu bine :-D