Re: - premiile membrilor

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Re: - premiile membrilor

Ca in fiecare an diverse situri fac polluri pentru a stabili ce aplicatii au iesit in evidenta in ochii utilizatorilor. A fost randul sa inchida votarea si sa traga concluziile. Rezultatele le gasiti mai jos.

Distribution of the Year - Ubuntu (19.49%)
Database of the Year - MySQL (62.98%)
Office Suite of the Year - (84.84%)
Browser of the Year - Firefox (71.90%)
Mail Client of the Year - Thunderbird (51.74%)
Text Editor of the Year - vi/vim (37.96%)
Open Source Game of the Year - Frozen Bubble (23.17%)
Window Manager of the Year - Fluxbox (27.11%)
Desktop Environment of the Year - KDE (64.86%)
Audio Multimedia Application of the Year - amaroK (41.86%)
Video Multimedia Application of the Year - mplayer (46.94%)
Messaging App of the Year - Gaim (52.41%)
Security App of the Year - nmap (31.68%)
LiveCD Distribution of the Year - Knoppix (39.59%)
Windows on Linux App of the Year - Wine (53.94%)
File Manager of the Year - Konqueror (51.25%)
IDE of the Year - Eclipse (31.99%)
Graphics App of the Year - GIMP (62.02%)
Shell of the Year - bash (89.67%)
Web Development Editor of the Year - Quanta (44.31%)

cgherman's picture
Re: - premiile membrilor

care sunt aplicatiile favorite? puteti sa ni le dezvaluiti aici.