Re: Mandriva 2006 - ecouri

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Re: Mandriva 2006 - ecouri

Asa cum s-a intamplat cu fiecare versiune, lansarea 2006 incepe sa aiba ecouri pe Internet in diverse articole. Integrarea tehnologiilor Lycoris si Conectiva este apreciata la justa ei valoare iar diversitatea versiunilor in care vine 2006 de asemenea. Cititi un text pe aceasta tema aici.

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Re: Mandriva 2006 - ecouri

io inca nu am observat integrarea "tehnologiilor lycoris si conectiva".. am i blind? :-D

Re: Mandriva 2006 - ecouri

Macar Smart-ul l-ai vazut...

Former Conectiva server and software management technologies have found their way into the PowerPack+ edition of Mandriva 2006, such as high availability server for fault tolerance and the SMART package manager tool. The new version also includes an auto-install server feature to enable more efficient server deployment.

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.