Re: Mandriva 2006 - noi informantii

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cgherman's picture
Re: Mandriva 2006 - noi informantii

Au fost anuntate noile date de lansare:

- 13 oct 2005 - 2006 Free tree available for all on public ftp mirrors

- 4 nov 2005 - 2006 Free ISOs for i586 and x86_64 available for all on public ftp mirrors

Mai multe gasiti aici

admin's picture
Re: Mandriva 2006 - noi informantii

m-am saturat de atata asteptare si de termene limita false :(

Re: Mandriva 2006 - noi informantii

Vezi ca am avut dreptate. Au dat o noua semnificatie faptului ca membrii Mandriva Club vor avea acces primi la ISO-uri prin faptul ca tree-ul distributiei nu va mai fi facut public simultan.
Legat de asteptare, citez pe un tip de pe forumul clubului:

"When a French makes an appointment for lunch for 12 noon, he will never show up before 12, he will never show up at 12 sharp but he will show up any time after 12."

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

admin's picture
Re: Mandriva 2006 - noi informantii

auzi.. exista vreo distributie britanica?

Re: Mandriva 2006 - noi informantii

Aia sunt oameni seriosi... :-D

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

cgherman's picture
Re: Mandriva 2006 - noi informantii

Pana la urma, membrii clubului au acces la ISO?

au acces... :-D