Re: MCNLive Cherbourg

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cgherman's picture
Re: MCNLive Cherbourg

Echipa a anuntat lansarea noii versiuni MCNLive code name Cherbourg, un sitem linux portabil bazat pe si 100% compatibil cu Mandriva Linux 2007 si care ruleaza complet de pe un CD sau stick USB.
Ce include:
* Some highlights: 2.6.17 kernel. 3D desktop (AIGLX) with the free xorg drivers for Intel and ATI video cards. Desktop environment: KDE 3.5.4. Office Suite: KOffice, Open Document Format. KDE games. Opera 9.02. Music, Video and Image applications with most common codecs. Internet and networking applications for all your needs. NTFS read-write support. All this on less than 360 MB. An -almost- complete home desktop system.
* Install additional packages while running live. Software sources preconfigured.
* Three languages: English, Dutch, French. Default language is English. You can switch to another language with a few clicks.
* A graphical wizard is included to put MCNLive on a USB Flash drive to run it in LiveUSB mode.
* A small wizard will help you to backup and restore your documents and personal settings.
* New feature: create your very own live system on-the-fly. Remaster MCNLive while running from CD or from USB stick. No need to install first to your hard disk.

O colectie de "ecrane impuscate" o gasiti aici, iar download de aici.

cgherman's picture
Re: MCNLive Cherbourg

Consider ca e o alternativa buna pentru instalarea Mandriva 2007.0. Vine cu mediile main, contrib plf configurate ptr urpmi.

cgherman's picture
Re: MCNLive Cherbourg

mai multe "ecrane impuscate" gasiti aici.

Sa nu va surprinda ca doar se bazeaza pe Mandriva 2007 :-)

Raspuns: MCNLive Cherbourg

Pentru sistemul meu este singurul live cd mandriva care merge instalat si este unul dintre cele mai reusite live cd-uri linux din cele opt pe care le-am incercat. Sunt incantat de cum arata. Felicitari echipei care a realizat acest live cd.

Raspuns: MCNLive Cherbourg

Tocmai dadusem si eu de el c-o zi inainte sa apara stirea asta, l-am tras pe cd l-am incercat, e ca cel de acasa  :). As fi vrut sa-l pun pe usb stick, dar la servici nu pot boota de pe el. Sper sa reusesc totusi sa instalez wine si sa pun MS office si sa fac alt CD live din el (remaster).