Re: Opera 8.0 Final

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admin's picture
Re: Opera 8.0 Final

In sfarsit este gata finalul de la browserul Opera, versiunea 8.0!
Download de aici.

Re: Opera 8.0 Final

Mi-ai furat anuntul.... :-D

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

admin's picture
Re: Opera 8.0 Final

Nu ti l-am furat :P
Tu anuntai Opera beta 3 :-)

Re: Opera 8.0 Final

Anuntam beta3 ca nu am gasit finalul, dar Distrowatch anuntase finalul, de aia adulmecam pe siteul Opera. Hiena ce esti ! :-D

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

admin's picture
Re: Opera 8.0 Final

ei na, ce-ar fi fost sa anunt si eu Mandrivalinux 10.2 Official cand a aparut RC2-ul? :D

Re: Opera 8.0 Final

Nu e acelasi lucru. Vrei sa spui ce ar fi fost sa anunti RC2 cand a aparut Officialul. Nevermind. Glumim sa stiti...
Ma bucur ca a iesit Opera 8.0 , stiu ca esti fan... :-(

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.