ROSA Desktop.Fresh 2012 Operating System
Noua versiune ROSA Desktop.Fresh 2012 Operating System
(aka=rosa2012.1) vine cu un suport de 1.5 ani ( garantat de D Koriavov),
De data asta nu vreau sa va plictisesc cu ce bunatati vine ci doar cu citeva statistici
facute de Denis Koryavov:
More than 50 developers from 15 towns and 7 countries (Russia, Ukraine, USA, Brazil, Italy, Romania, Germany);
More than 70 testers;
solved more than 700 issues;
our testers downloaded more than 2 TB of data while tested new images;
more than 700 iso-images for testing have been builded (not all of them were in public access);
more than 8500 messages have been sent by developers in different mailing lists;
our developers wrote more than 62 000 lines of new code (not including many patches!);
more than 7300 cups of tea and coffee have been drunk by our workers while we prepared our new distros;
more than 21 700 packages in the repositories;
more than 15 big changes/new functions in the new release.
Acum citeva sfaturi ptr dumpat imaginea iso pe un stick usb:
Din rosa fresh ( 2012.1)
-rosa-imagewriter ( GUI)
-Disk Dump ( CLI)
Din orice altceva, orice alta distributie :
-Disk Dump ( CLI)
Stiu ca ptr incepatori nu e usor , dar e cel mai sigur si fara surprize negative .
Citeva lucruri pe care trebuie sa le stiti inainte de a folosi "dd"
-parcusul si numele stickului usb - ar trebui sa fie ceva de genul /dev/sde ( unde "e" este un symbol atribuit stickului la montare)
-parcusul si numele imagini iso
exemplu concret , care va trebui sa-l adaptati in baza punctelor de montare de pe sistemul vostru:
dd if=/media/Backup/Distros/ROSA.Desktop.Fresh.2012.x86_64.iso of=/dev/sde bs=8M ; sync
Foarte important , "sync " de la sfirsit ptr a avea o clona perfecta.
Anuntul oficial:
Am baut o ceasca de ceai in
Am baut o ceasca de ceai in timp ce am citit acest anunt. As vrea sa fie adaugat la statistici, kthxbye. :D
' Zombie: "Thou canst not kill that which doth not live. But you can blast it into chunky kibbles." ' (Quake1 manual, chapter VI, section D, line 676)
ma? zi zau cu limba scoasa?
ma? zi zau cu limba scoasa? bossulici ...system/files/bla bla bla .... acolo le pui ma?
hai sa-ti zic un secret avem drop-here exact ptr asta ... ce zici ?
lasa ma , jugulara ca tat te tau .... :D
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are
Eu am atasat in drupal cand
Eu am atasat in drupal cand am dat reply.
Anyway, interesant. Deci din ce inteleg Fresh asta e un fell de rolling-release aproape. Vor sa se ia la tranta cu Arch & co? :)
' Zombie: "Thou canst not kill that which doth not live. But you can blast it into chunky kibbles." ' (Quake1 manual, chapter VI, section D, line 676)
da deunde , nu e rolling, e
da deunde , nu e rolling, e doar Reasonable Time support :D
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are
Mda, se pare ca pppoe-ul pt
Mda, se pare ca pppoe-ul pt rds merge doar din linie de comanda, si nu porneste automat dupa reboot...
Pote daca scrii pe forum te
Pote daca scrii pe forum te ajuta cineva cara e pe RDS , cu toata placerea dar nu pot :(
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are