Securitatea Vista complet inutila!

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După o stire publicată aici, Mark Dowd de la IBM Internet Security Systems (ISS) si Alexander Sotirov, de la VMware Inc au descoperit o tehnică care le permite să depăsească toate sistemele de sigurantă implementate în Windows Vista.

Nu este vorba despre un bug minor ci de o tehnică reproductibilă care le-a permis celor doi să insereze orice continut în orice locatie a unui sistem Vista, cu orice drepturi doresc.

"These attacks work differently than other security exploits, as they aren't based on any new Windows vulnerabilities, but instead take advantage of the way Microsoft chose to guard Vista's fundamental architecture. According to Dino Dai Zovi, a popular security researcher, "the genius of this is that it's completely reusable. They have attacks that let them load chosen content to a chosen location with chosen permissions. That's completely game over."

Interesant, nu? :)